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Crazy Wisdom

Dec 26, 2022

Dr. Jonathan Paprocki

Jonathan is a specialist in topological quantum compiling, a Tlon engineer, you can find him on Urbit @  ~Datnut-Pollen Blog can be found at Discordia (

  1. What is a Kundalini awakening?
  2. What do old dusty books say about Kundalini?
  3. What is the relationship...

Dec 19, 2022

Today we have Casey Rodarmor, a bitcoin developer who is working on building non-fungible tokens (NFTs) directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. NFTs are digital assets that are unique and cannot be exchanged for other assets. They have become popular on Ethereum, but have not yet been implemented on the Bitcoin blockchain....

Dec 12, 2022

Kenny Rowe is the founder of the Dalten Collective (~sicdev-pilnup), in a previous life he was on the founding team of MakerDAO

  1. What is the dalten collective?
    1. Collectively own an urbit start together
  2. What is a node?
  3. What is peer discovery?
  4. What is governance when it comes to Urbit?
  5. What can you do with a star...

Dec 5, 2022

Aaron Lowry (

  1. Why are you interested in Cardano?
  2. Why didn’t you switch to ETH and stay with Classic?
  3. What are the main challenges to build decentralized systems?
    1. With functional governance?
  4. How does verifiability contribute to more challenging programming issues?
  5. What was the...