May 8, 2018
Bill Tai is a very successful entrepreneur and investor. Not only is he successful according to
external validators of success, but he is also humble and shares his knowledge and brilliance
without expectation of reciprocation. It is a rare gift to be both successful and humble, and
our conversation contains actionable wisdom to do this.
Even though my podcast is primarily about meditation and its effect on creativity, we veered
into talking about the history of work and how technology is contributing to a lot of change. A
fundamental component of mindfulness training is the realization that everything is
impermanent and change is the only constant. We are entering a period of rapid change. Bill
gives some good insights on how to capitalize on this trend.
I think the most valuable thing I got out of this conversation is that whether rich or poor, you
have to find the thing that lights you up on the inside. For Bill, that activity is kitesurfing. It is
the keystone activity for which the rest of his life is rejuvenated by. Listen to this episode if
you want to find actionable insights into how to find joy in your life.